Helping you to be as productive as you possibly can is the main purpose of this website. Productivity is a broad field and involves a lot of subfields that impact your overall productivity. All these subfields have to be taken into account.


A good approach to improve your productivity is to first of all figure out what part of your productivity you need to improve. What is slowing you down? Do you procrastinate? Or do you lack motivation? Perhaps you concentration or have a short attention span? Or maybe you are involved with too many different activities so that the progress on each activity is very small.

There are a lot of tips, tricks, techniques, apps, books etc out there aimed at making you more productive - too much for anyone to take in all of it. Some of it works well, and some of it is rubbish. What work wonders for some people, might be a pile of nonsense for you. It’s subjective. The best advice I could ever give on this topic is this: you ultimately have to figure out what methods and techniques work for you. Be open-minded and willing to change as you discover new techniques and become more experienced.


Figure out what your weaknesses are


I believe that a truly productive life can be found by mastering these 5 topics:





Time management


These 5 topics are in my opinion the main "subcategories" of personal productivity. Every one of them plays a part in your overall productivity. Click on the one you feel is your weakest point, or start exploring the topics you find most interesting.

This website has just launched (5th January 2020), so every topic hasn't been covered completely yet. But over the course of the next few months, all of these topics will be covered in-depth so that you have all the tools you will possibly need to achieve more in less time.